PMB (Private Mailbox) numbers are typically assigned automatically by our system during customer sign-up. Each of our mailbox locations has a predefined range of numbers used to allocate PMB numbers to new customers. The system ensures that the numbers are assigned systematically and efficiently within these predefined ranges.
However, in some cases, certain mailbox locations may allow for customization of your PMB number. If you are interested in selecting a specific PMB number, we recommend contacting our Support Team to check if your subscribed location offers this option.
To inquire about customizing your PMB number, please reach out to our Support Team by either:
- Calling: 1(800) 624-5866
- Emailing:
When reaching out, make sure to mention your subscribed mailbox location, and we will confirm if customization is available at your location. If allowed, we will guide you through the process of selecting a preferred number.
Note: Customization availability varies by location and is subject to mailbox number availability within the predefined range.